sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

Romanian Folklore and Myths

The Creation of the World

The creation of the world in Romanian folklore is most probably based on mazdeist doctrines, which entered the mythologies of many peoples including the Daci, the ancestors of the Romanian people, and which were left behind by these. As such, far from coinciding with the story in the Book of Genesis, cosmogony is largely dualist in nature, depicting the Earth as the common opus of God and the Devil, imagined as counterparts of Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu rather than in the biblical way. However, different stories suggest God made the earth with the help of animals, while Satan was trying to thwart his plans.

In the majority of versions, before the earth existed, a boundless ocean called Apa Sâmbetei was the abode of God and the Devil, seen as master and servant rather than equals. Upon deciding to create the earth, God sent the Devil to bring a handful of clay from the ground of the World Oceanin his holy name. The Devil set forth and tried to bring it to the surface in his name instead, but could not succeed until he brought it up in the name of God. As this piece of clay grew into the earth, God laid himself down to sleep. The Devil tried to push him over the side, but the ever-expanding earth would hinder that. After trying to throw God off the earth in every one of the four cardinal directions, he shied away from the crosshe drew in the ground himself.

[edit]The Origin of Evil

Other accounts, closer to the biblical one, suggest that the Devil and his demons were once angels of God. The Devil, however, tried to rebel, and, in response, God opened up theHeavens so that he might fall to the earth. Fearing that Heaven might be voided, the archangel Michael re-sealed it, thus freezing the demons that had not yet fallen to hell in place. This is related to the concept of soul customs, where every soul is intercepted on its way to Heaven by these demons, who force it into hell. It has also given rise to the Romanian sayingpână ajungi la Dumnezeu, te mănâncă sfinţii (before you reach God, the saints will eat you).

[edit]The Origin of God

Another question commonly addressed is that of the origin of God, which is explained in a Russian doll type fashion. Before every God there was another God that created him. Thus explaining the many names the Bible used for God, the Oltenians believed the first God was called Sabaoth, followed by Amon, Apollo, the Creator God of the Bible, and finally, Jesus Christ.

[edit]The Origin of Race

Quite surprisingly for a Caucasian race, Romanian folklore asserts that, as God had made the humans out of clay, and clay was perceived to be black like soil, the first humans were black-skinned[citation needed]. It was later during the time of Cain and Abel that God did punish the murderous Cain by bleaching his skin.[citation needed] This is identified as the source of the expression a se îngălbeni de frică (to go yellow with fear), which can also be found in various forms in the folklore of other peoples.

[edit]The Earth

As in other cultures, the Earth was regarded as a giver of life even before Christianity had spread to the Romanian lands, and as such, was personified as the feminine archetype of theGreat Mother. This form can be traced back to the Iranian mazdeist religion, where Spenta Armaiti is found as the personification of the Earth. This form endured even after Christian imagery and symbolism became part of Romanian culture, Mother Earth often being identified as the consort of God, the heavenly Father.

The origin of mountains is explained in a number of ways by the cultures of the different regions of Romania. One account is that mountains formed as a response to God demanding the Earth to nurture all life, to which the earth shuddered and brought forth mountains. Another version suggests the Earth was too large to fit under the firmament, and so God attempted to shrink it, thus raising mountains. Often, these accounts are accompanied by the imagery of one or several World Pillars, which sustain the earth from below and are usually placed beneath mountains. Earthquakes are frequently attributed to the earth slipping due to the Devil's constant gnawing at these pillars, which are rebuilt by God and his angels in times offasting.

Haunted place in Romania

A hotel in Romania has become a local attraction after a photograph of a ghost was published by newspapers and television. The ghost of a tall woman in a long white dress reportedly watches the hallways and staircases of the Decebal hotel, in the Baile Herculane mountain spa.The 150-year-old hotel isbelieved to hide ancient Roman treasure under its foundations and the ghost is said by locals to keep treasure hunters away.

The hotel has been closed for renovations for five years but people who have ventured inside claim to have seen - and photographed - the ghost.Victoria Iovan, 33, from Baile Herculane, said: "I photographed my boyfriend in the hotel. Back home I was shocked tosee another woman's shadow in the picture. She looked like a priestess in long white clothes."

luni, 11 octombrie 2010

Vanga predicts World War III in November 2010!

2008 - Assassination attempts on four heads of states. Conflict in Indonesia. That becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII.
2010 - The start of WWIII. The war will begin in November of 2010 and will end in October of 2014. Will start as a normal war, then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
2011 - Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.
2014 - Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars).016 - Europe is almost empty
2018 - China becomes the new world power.
2023 - Earth’s orbit will change slightly
2025 - Europe is still barely populated
2028 - Development of a new energy source. (Probably controller thermonuclear reaction) Hunger slowly stops being a problem. Piloted spaceship to Venus deploys.
2033 - Polar ice caps melt. World ocean levels rise.2043 - World economy is prosperous. Muslims are running Europe.
2046 - Any organs can be mass produced. Exchange of body organs becomes the favorite method of treatment.
2066 - During it’s attack on Rome (which is under control of the Muslims) U.S.A. uses a new method of weapons - has to do with climate change. Sharp freezing.
2076 - No class society (communism)
2084 - The rebirth of the nature.
2088 - New disease. - People are getting old in few seconds.
2097 - This disease is cured.
2100 - Man made Sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet Earth.
2111 - People become robots.
2123 - Wars between small countries. Big countries don’t get evolved.
2125 - In Hungry the signals from Space are received. (People will be reminded of Vanga again)
2130 - Colonies under water (advices from aliens)
2154 - Animals become half-humans.
2167 - New religion
2170 - Big drought.
2183 - Collony on Mars becomes nuclear nation and is asking for independence from the Earth. (same way as U.S. did from England)
2187 - Successfully two volcano eruptions are stopped.
2195 - Sea colonies are fully supplied with energy and food.
2196 - Full mixture between Asians and Europeans.
2201 - Thermonuclear reactions on the Sun slow down. Temperatures Drop.
2221 - In the search of Alien life, human beings engage with something very freighting.
2256 - Spaceship brings a freighting new disease into Earth.
2262 - Orbits of planets start to change progressively. Mars is undera threat of being hit by a comet.
2271 - Physic properties are calculated over, since they changed.
2273 - Mix of yellow, white, and black race. New race.
2279 - Energy out of nothing (probably from vacuum or black holes)
2288 - Travel through time. New contacts with the aliens.
2291 - Sun cools. Attempts to fire it up again are taken.
2296 - Bright flashes on the Sun. Force of gravity changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall
2299 - In France, there is a partisan uprising against Islam.
2302 - New important new laws and mysteries about the universe are uncovered.
2304 - The mystery of the Moon is uncovered.
2341 - Something frightening is closing in with Earth from the space.
2354 - Accident on one of the man made suns, will result in drought.
2371 - Mighty hunger.
2378 - New and fast growing race.
2480 - Two man made suns will collide. Earth is in the dark.

3005 - War on Mars. Trajectory of planets changes.
3010 - Comet will ram into the Moon. Around Earth there is a belt of rocks and dust
3797 - By this time, everything living on Earth dies. But humans are able to put in the essentials for the beginning of a new life in a new star system.

P.S. She also predicted;

“Everything will melt away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir , the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world.”(1979)
- The prediction was made in Soviet times when just a few people were using the term
“Russia”. It remains to be seen which Vladimir Vanga had referred to. There are three real candidates: The Prince Vladimir, Vladimir Lenin, the Vladimir Putin, or the future one…

duminică, 10 octombrie 2010

Ghost Hunting

Ghost hunting can be a fun and intriguing experience that blends spirituality with science to create an interesting investigation. Seasoned ghost hunters quickly learn all the tricks of the trade, including knowing how to stay safe and what to do and not to do to in order to ensure good quality results. However, with all the conflicting messages the media gives u, an impending investigation could seem a little daunting to the novice ghost hunter, perhaps even scary. Here are the top five myths presently circulating about ghost hunting at this time--debunked.
You must already posses a pinch of psychic prowess if you hope to capture anything worthwhile. Although I'm quite sure that people who have some degree of psychic ability may have a better chance of actually communicating with a spirit, there is no evidence to suggest that psychics capture more EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) on tape or apparitions on film than anyone else.
You need expensive, top-of-the-line equipment if you expect to catch anything good. This is completely untrue. As I discussed inGhost Hunting for Beginners, my mother and I have been using a $40 Olympus digital recorder and a $200 Sony digital camera for well over five years. As long as the equipment isn't faulty or prone to malfunctioning, you should be able to pick up any anomalies in the area just as good as if you had a $1600 Nikon.
Ghost hunting is dangerous -- the ghosts might follow you home!99.9% of ghosts are completely harmless. Typically speaking, ghosts are haunting a location, not a person, and certainly not YOU specifically. They are also usually quite territorial, either bound to a certain location because they choose to remain at a place that had special significance to them when they were alive or because their energy is trapped in the place where the tragedy that caused their passing occurred. If an object is haunted, however, then yes, the spirit attached to the item will go wherever it goes. But entering a cemetery, snapping a few pictures and then leaving is harmless. You are merely observing, and the ghosts know that. However, it doesn't hurt to say a prayer of safety as you are getting ready to leave, or even ask the spirits directly that they remain where they are and do not follow you home.
ALSO,YOU MAY FOLLOW THIS LINK (GHOST HUNTING FOR BEGINNERS):http://hubpages.com/hub/Ghost_Hunting_for_Beginners

The Mirror of Matsuyama - Japan Folktales

In ancient days there lived in a remote part of Japan a man and his wife, and they were blessed with a little girl, who was the pet and idol of her parents. On one occasion the man was called away on business in distant Kyoto. Before he went he told his daughter that if she were good and dutiful to her mother he would bring her back a present she would prize very highly. Then the good man took his departure, mother and daughter watching him go.
At last he returned to his home, and after his wife and child had taken off his large hat and sandals he sat down upon the white mats and opened a bamboo basket, watching the eager gaze of his little child. He took out a wonderful doll and a lacquer box of cakes and put them into her outstretched hands. Once more he dived into his basket, and presented his wife with a metal mirror. Its convex surface shone brightly, while upon its back there was a design of pine trees and storks.

The good man's wife had never seen a mirror before, and on gazing into it she was under the impression that another woman looked out upon her as she gazed with growing wonder. Her husband explained the mystery and bade her take great care of the mirror.

Not long after this happy homecoming and distribution of presents the woman became very ill. Just before she died she called to her little daughter, and said: "Dear child, when I am dead take every care of your father. You will miss me when I have left you. But take this mirror, and when you feel most lonely look into it and you will always see me." Having said these words she passed away.

In due time the man married again, and his wife was not at all kind to her stepdaughter. But the little one, remembering her mother's words, would retire to a corner and eagerly look into the mirror, where it seemed to her that she saw her dear mother's face, not drawn in pain as she had seen it on her deathbed, but young and beautiful.

One day this child's stepmother chanced to see her crouching in a corner over an object she could not quite see, murmuring to herself. This ignorant woman, who detested the child and believed that her stepdaughter detested her in return, fancied that this little one was performing some strange magical art--perhaps making an image and sticking pins into it. Full of these notions, the stepmother went to her husband and told him that his wicked child was doing her best to kill her by witchcraft.

When the master of the house had listened to this extraordinary recital he went straight to his daughter's room. He took her by surprise, and immediately the girl saw him she slipped the mirror into her sleeve. For the first time her doting father grew angry, and he feared that there was, after all, truth in what his wife had told him, and he repeated her tale forthwith.

When his daughter had heard this unjust accusation she was amazed at her father's words, and she told him that she loved him far too well ever to attempt or wish to kill his wife, who she knew was dear to him.

"What have you hidden in your sleeve?" said her father, only half convinced and still much puzzled.

"The mirror you gave my mother, and which she on her deathbed gave to me. Every time I look into its shining surface I see the face of my dear mother, young and beautiful. When my heart aches--and oh! it has ached so much lately--I take out the mirror, and mother's face, with sweet, kind smile, brings me peace, and helps me to bear hard words and cross looks."

Then the man understood and loved his child the more for her filial piety. Even the girl's stepmother, when she knew what had really taken place, was ashamed and asked forgiveness. And this child, who believed she had seen her mother's face in the mirror, forgave, and trouble forever departed from the home.

Source: F. Hadland Davis, Myths and Legends of Japan (London: George G. Harrap, 1917), pp. 196-198.
This story is often told at Hinamatsuri (Girls' Festival), March 3rd, one of the traditional festivals still celebrated in Japan.


Do you think that this video is fake or not?

Real or Fake?

Black Smoke Filled My Room

Along time ago when I was in college, I got home late... Sometime around midnight, I went through my usual routine, brushed my teeth, washed up and went to bed. It was a full moon that night, so when I turned off the lights, a few seconds later the light from the moon slowly crept inside and dimly lit my room just enough to see my surroundings.

To my surprise, it started getting dark again. And for some reason, it seemed like there was black smoke emanating from the center of my room (about eye level while I was sitting on my bed). I couldn't understand what it was but it just kept on getting darker and darker until to my horror, I couldn't see the other half of my room anymore. It was completely filled with black smoke... It seemed as if it was an empty space of nothingness. The black smoke kept on occupying more space until it filled 3/4 of my room already and the only thing that wasn't filled with black smoke was my bed (where I was sitting).

Luckily, I'm used to seeing strange things and at the time this happened, I was in a bad mood and I didn't like what was happening. I simply yelled at whatever it was that I wasn't in the mood and to please stop bugging me. And to my surprise, the black smoke that filled 3/4 of my room started to disappear as if it was being sucked in by a vacuum at the center of my room (same spot where it came from). And after a few seconds the black smoke had completely disappeared and I could see my entire room again with the dim light from the full moon.

If anyone has any idea or has experience the same thing, your comments are very much welcome. Although I've seen so many things, it would be great to know what that black smoke was. Thanks.

sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2010

Top 10 filme cu fantome

Pe primul loc, „Al saselea simt” (1999). L-a facut vedeta pe Haley Joel Osment, copilul care si-a inceput cariera artistica la numai 5 ani. Datorta acestei pelicule, s-a facut remarcat si regizorul M. Night Shyamalan, iar Bruce Willis a dovedit ca poate fi si sensibil. Filmul este socant, uneori, infricosator, dar, per ansamblu, este sclipitor.

Pe locul secund, „Vanatorii de fantome” (1984). Un film clasic, care, desi este amuzant, uneori devine infricosator. Desi a fost facut acum mai bine de 20 de ani, poate fi considerat si astazi un film bun.

Pe locul 3, „Ochiul” / Gin gwai (2002). Este povestea unei tinere oarbe care face un transplant de cornee si incepe sa vada fantome, crae nu sunt tocmai prietenoase. Povestea este simpla, dar atmosfera este mai mult decat terifianta.

Pe locul 4, „Stafia”/ Ghost (1990). Este un film romantic, dupa care, probabil, foarte
multi s-au apucat de cursuri de olarit.

Pe locul 5, la jumatatea clasamentului, „Ringu” (1998) - varianta japoneza a filmului american „The Ring”. Fara nicio indoiala aici este de vazut unul dintre cele mai inspaimantatoare creaturi care au iesit vreodata din televizor. Regizorul Hideo Nakata
combina superb misterul si supranaturalul in acest film, reprezentativ pentru filmul horror.

Pe locul 6, „Poltergeist” (1982). Dupa celebra replica: “Run to the light, baby. Mommy is in the light.”, nu va veti mai uita nepasatori la televizor, cand se intrerupe programul si apar „purici”.

Pe locul 7, „Un om si trei fantome” / The Frighteners (1996). Plin de umorului fortat al regizorului Peter Jackson, cand acesta era in plina glorie, acesta este un film unic si placut cu fantome.

Pe locul 8, „Blestemul”/ The Grudge (2004). Intr-adevar Sarah Michelle Gellar, „Buffy, spaima vampirilor”, este enervanta, iar intriga nu-i grozava, insa unul dintre filmele horror bunicele.

Pe locul 9, „Casa celor 13 fantome” / Thir13en Ghosts (2001). Povestea cu fantomele tinute prizoniere intr-o casa de sticla, care putea fi vazute numai cu ochelari speciali, este un pic peste medie, insa, per ansamblu, filmul este claustrofobic si foarte infricosator.

Pe ultimul loc, „Legenda calaretului fara cap” / Sleepy Hollow (1999). Regizorul Tim Burton nu a facut niciodata filme mai infricosatoare decat acesta, dar la viziunea s-a a contribuit si actorul Christopher Walken.

Haunted house for sale

I once lived, for a very short time, in a house haunted by ghosts. This house had been empty for a very long time. I don’t know for sure how long the house had been empty, but I do know that no one had lived in it for quite a few years.
It was a very beautiful three story house with a two room guest house and a big barn. It was located on the side of hill on a sparsely populated country road in south-eastern Kentucky. I had been living a few miles up the road and so I passed this house almost every day. For years there was a “For Sale” sign out front, but there never seemed to be a buyer.
I was working for a retired couple doing odd jobs. One day the old man made me an offer on the house. Until then I didn’t even know that he was the one who owned it. He said that if I would clear the weeds on the hillside behind it and keep all the grass cut, wash the windows and do some repairs that I could live in it rent free. Naturally I was excited about the idea and so within a few days my wife, my daughter, and I were moving into the house. I did think that it was a little strange that he and his wife lived in their small house next to the road instead of that nice big house on the hill, but I didn’t give it too much thought.
We couldn’t believe our luck. The house was really nice inside and out and the property it was on was beautiful. There was a huge yard and the mountain spread out behind it with trees every where you looked. The nearest neighbors were almost half a mile away.
After only a couple of nights strange things started to happen. One night we were laying in bed in the third story bedroom when I began to hear music. It reminded me of the Big Band groups like Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller. The music sounded far off at first, but it grew louder and louder until it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. Next I could hear what sounded like a large group of people talking. I couldn’t make out what was being said, it was like a bunch of voices all mixed together. Suddenly a man and woman started yelling and arguing. I still couldn’t make out what was being said, but I knew for sure that it was a man and a woman who were fighting.
At this point I turned to my wife and asked her if she could hear anything. She looked at me and I saw that her eyes were wide and she was afraid. She told me that she did hear something downstairs. I asked her what it was that she was hearing. She described to me exactly what I myself had been hearing! She said she heard a lot of people talking and then a man and a woman arguing and some old fashioned music playing. When she told me all that it was like the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. For some reason I had felt no fear until that moment, but suddenly I was afraid. Were there ghosts just downstairs from us?
We got up from the bed and slowly walked toward the stairs and turned on the lights. The music and the voices started getting quieter. We went down the first flight of stairs and turned on the next set of lights and the ghostly sounds stopped. Soon we were in the main living room and were looking all around for any signs of what we had heard. Suddenly the ghostly noises started up again, except this time they were upstairs! We ran upstairs and brought our daughter down to the first floor. We made pallets in the floor and spent the rest of the night listening for ghosts with most every light in the house turned on.
Several nights later the whole thing started happening again. This time I was home alone. My wife and daughter were visiting relatives for the weekend. I was bound and determined not to let the ghosts get to me and even yelled out to them to leave me alone and to go away. It seemed to work at first. The noises would stop and everything would be quiet, but as soon as I laid back down and began to get comfortable it would all start up again!
The next day I went to see a man I knew who I had rented our previous residence from. I told him about everything that had happened and asked him if he knew anything about the history of the house or had ever heard anything about it being haunted by ghosts. He told me that sometime back in the 1920′s there was a murder during a big family gathering, but didn’t know any details about what had happened or who had been murdered.
That really got me to feeling eerie! I knew without any doubt that the house was haunted because my wife and I had both heard the sounds on more than one occasion and now I had learned a little bit about the history of the house.
The very next day the owner of the house came by and told us that we had to move out right away. I asked him why, but he would give no explanation. He just said that he didn’t want anyone living in the house. I am certain that my ex-landlord had told him about what I had said about the ghosts and that was the reason he wanted us out as well as the reason why he wasn’t living there himself. So, not long afterwards we would be driving past the old house and see that “For Sale” sign and wonder if anyone would ever live there.
Written By David Slone and Copyright 2008 True Ghost Tales

marți, 2 februarie 2010

Ambulanta Neagra

Mitul ambulantei fantoma... Mai multi oameni situati in judetele Arges si Dambovita au anuntat ca au vazut o ambulanta neagra(ambulanta fantoma) care cred ei ca fura organele celor vii! In continuare va voi lasa stirea aparuta pe ProTV :

Email de la cititori(Anonim)

Nu stiu dak ma veti crede dar acum 1 an am trait fenomene stranii.Eram la tara cu bunicii mei si dintr-o data o pisica neagra a trecut prin fata mea,iar eu nefiind superstitioasa am vrut sa o iau in brate,dar cand colo ea ma zgariat.Bunica mi-a pus un pansament la mana(acolo ma zgariase pisica)ir dupa aceea m-am des la joaca.In primul rand era sa dea masina peste mn apoi vestitul mit urban ambulanta neagra.De atunci cred in superstitii si fantome deoarece in momentul cand ma zgariat pisica am vazut un om batran era un barbat,in fata mea si nu mergea,zbura si era alb ca un fel de ceata.

Ce este ambulanta neagra?! ramaneti conectati si veti avea mai multe informatii!

Femeia în Alb din Fonte’ River

În perioada anilor 1600, în liniştitul orăşel Mania de pe insula Guam, au trăit doi tineri recent căsătoriţi. Înainte de căsătorie, soţul, un ofiţer spaniol, era romantic, elegant şi politicos. Dar curând după luna de miere a devenit crud şi abuziv. În fiecare seară, soţul cerea apă proaspătă de izvor de munte alături de mâncarea sa, iar pentru asta o trimitea pe soţia lui la pârâul din vale să aducă apă. După un timp, femeia a început să se bucure de plimbările sale singuratice, şi în cele din urmă acesta a devenit un ritual pe care îl aştepta cu nerăbdare.

Momentele preferate de ea erau nopţile cu lună plină, când reflecţia lunii lucea de-alungul pârâului ca şi cum stelele ar dansa, iar vântul şuiera prin frunziş.

Curând, soţul a observat că femeia întârzia tot mai mult şi a devenit furios. Aşa că într-o noapte furtunoasă cu lună noua, în ziua primei lor aniversări, a trimis-o după apă în noaptea rece şi udă. Fără o luna plină care să-i ghideze calea şi cu un vânt puternic care îi îngreuna mersul, femeia nu a putut vedea că micul pârâu s-a transformat într-o viitură furioasă. Când faleza noroioasă a alunecat de sub ea făcând-o să alunece şi să cadă în apa turbulentă, strigătele sale de ajutor au rămas fără răspuns, iar ea s-a înecat în râu.

Astăzi se spune că dacă cineva trece podul Maina pe timp de lună nouă şi priveşte în întunericul nopţii, poate vedea fantoma unei femei îmbrăcată într-o rochie lungă albă, asemănătoare cu o rochie de mireasă, cu părul argintiu precum luna şi ochii roşii, stând pe malul râului. Aceasta se întâmplă cel mai adesea când se apropie de oraş furtuni periculoase. Locuitorii de azi ai oaşului Guam numesc această fantomă „Femeia în alb” care prevesteşte un pericol iminent.

Reprezentările Femeii în Alb din Mania au evoluat până la o formă jumătate femeie jumătate creatură înfiorătoare. Ea îşi poate schimba forma fie în femeie, fie într-un animal. Corpul îi este acoperit cu păr în totalitate. Femeia în Alb poate fi văzută numai între amurg şi întuneric. Ea apare la o oră după apus şi dispare brusc când răsare luna. Poate fi văzută în trei locuri bine-cunoscute din Guam: în Locul celor doi îndrăgostiţi (The Two Lover’s Point), la Harmon Heights şi pe râul Fonte’ (Fonte’ River), care curge de la Mania până la Golful Adelup. Se spune că are o antipatie faţă de femei şi copii. Dacă Femeia în Alb te atinge, în locul în care te-a atins îţi lasă o pată roşie. Uneori, scoate sunete înfiorătoare şi stridente. Femeia în Alb din Guam se teme de un singur lucru, şi anume Sfânta Cruce.

Spooky shit revine!

Ati trait o intamplare paranormala sau ati auzit vreo poveste interesanta ?!
Atunci, aici este sansa dumneavoastra ca si restul lumii sa afle intamplarea voastra! Trimiteti un e-mail la spookyshit[at]ymail.com (inlocuiti [at] cu @) , si povestea dumneavoastra poate aparea pe blogul nostru! Va rugam insa sa scrieti cat mai corect gramatical.