1.Ectoplasm, Ecto-mist, vapor, ghostly mist
Appearance & Characteristics: Cloudy vaporous mist
The term was originally used to describe the substance that oozed from spirit mediums during a séance from days gone by. It is now associated and referred to as a mist or fog, and it usually displays a swirl effect within a vaporous cloud. It normally appears several feet off the ground and can linger or travel quickly at will. It's usual colors are gray, white or black but has also been seen and photographed in several other colors. Ecto has been caught on both video & all types of cameras. It's important to note however, that a camera can inadvertently create this effect artificially in cold weather by a person exhaling to close to the lens when taking the picture. The exhaled breath looks similar to ectoplasm but without the swirls. Oh, and we certainly don't want to be smoking during a ghost hunt for obvious reasons.
2. Orbs, spears, globules, balls of light, globes
Appearance & Characteristics:
Orbs are the most photographed anomalies captured on film by ghost hunters. They most often show up as transparent or translucent balls of light hovering above the ground. It used to be considered a prize photo if the photographed orb/s would show up on film with an inner substance and a spot (nucleus or brain) within
the substance. We are finding out now however, that some digital cameras will produce false orbs with these characteristics and they can no longer be counted as authentic. An impressive feature is when they are captured on film with a lingering trail. This trail indicates they were traveling at a fairly fast rate of speed at the time of the flash, which further indicates it's authenticity. Some experts say that 85% of photographed orbs are created inadvertently by circumstances and weather conditions at the time of the flash. We at Ghoststudy believe this number is a bit high but probably close to being factual. Orbs have also been seen on video hovering in the same position for short periods of time but most often are caught traveling erratically through the air in a rather care free pattern.
3.Shadow ghosts, dark entities
Appearance & Characteristics:
These ghosts usually appear as a shadow of sorts. They look a bit like Ecto-mist but with form and are normally reported to be two feet in length or longer and tend to travel at a height of two to ten feet. In photographs it's easy to confuse them with natural shadows so be careful. They are usually sneaky and evasive. When they are spotted it's usually out of the corner of your eye or as they are darting through a wall. They are often spotted in a mirror as well.
To be continued...
e multe frate e multe ectoplasm ectomist ecto spanac ecto cacat mai baietas tu ne gasesti sinonime?
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