duminică, 29 mai 2011

Ghost Types II

Apparitions, disembodied spirit

Appearance & Characteristics:
Certain gifted psychics see them on a regular basis but as for the rest of us it's a most RARE occurrence. Catching an apparition on film is what every ghost hunter aspires to but seldom, if ever sees. They show up in a transparent human form and wear the clothing of their period. You might also note that they normally appear faint and disfigured as in being incomplete. It should be said that an apparition can pose directly next to you and it still will not necessarily show up on film (99.9% of the time)

Locations spotted:
They are most often reported being seen in older homes, hotels, theaters and cemeteries.

It's unsure why they are able to show up on these rare occasions. Your opinions on this will be most helpful. Some comments will be posted. It should be noted that visiting relatives from the spirit world could also be considered an apparition.

Picture: A possible apparition


Ghost lights

Appearance & summary:
Ghost lights have been seen and recorded in every country and civilization. The mysterious lights are usually seen as white or blue balls or yellow spheres (though occasionally as bobbing candle flames) glowing in the darkness. Although some scientists have suggested that the lights are caused by swamp gas, electricity, magnetism, or some phosphorescent material, so far no definitive natural source has ever been discovered for the sightings. There have been attempts, of course, to trap a ghost light for examination, but pursued, they always seem to be just out of reach. At some point, they acquired the Latin name "ignis fatuus," meaning "foolish fire," because it's considered foolish to try to follow or capture such a phantom light. According to some legends, the light of an ignis fatuus is the ghost of a sinner who is condemned to wander the world for eternity. In parts of Britain, it's sometimes called the will-o'-wisp and is known to be a death omen. Some believe the lights are playful beings, trying to lure travelers to follow them to get them lost in the dark. This type of ignis fatuus is often known, especially in Britain, as the jack-o'-lantern. Legend has it that the light is the soul of a person who's been shut out of both heaven and hell and must roam the earth endlessly. According to the British folk tale about the jack-o'-lantern, Jack was a man so ornery and mean that heaven wouldn't take him and the devil didn't want him.
(submitted by

Glowing lights that sometimes appear to blink and are always seen at a distance. Colors are usually white, blue or yellow.

Locations spotted:
Normally seen in remote locations

See beginning statement (Appearance & summary)

No picture currently available

Streaming ghost energy

Appearance & summary: Streaming lines of energy

Rods, swimmers

Appearance & summary:
See Jose's official ROD website: Official web site or skeptic site: click here


marți, 24 mai 2011

Ghost Types

There are a lot of types of ghosts , good or evil.In this article you will find the main types of ghosts and aparitions.

1.Ectoplasm, Ecto-mist, vapor, ghostly mist

Appearance & Characteristics: Cloudy vaporous mist
The term was originally used to describe the substance that oozed from spirit mediums during a séance from days gone by. It is now as
sociated and referred to as a mist or fog, and it usually displays a swirl effect within a vaporous cloud. It normally appears several feet off the ground and can linger or travel quickly at will. It's usual colors are gray, white or black but has also been seen and photographed in several other colors. Ecto has been caught on both video & all types of cameras. It's important to note however, that a camera can inadvertently create this effect artificially in cold weather by a person exhaling to close to the lens when taking the picture. The exhaled breath looks similar to ectoplasm but without the swirls. Oh, and we certainly don't want to be smoking during a ghost hunt for obvious reasons.

2. Orbs, spears, globules, balls of light, globes

Appearance & Characteristics:
Orbs are the most photographed anomalies captured on film by ghost hunters. They most often show up as transparent or translucent balls of light hovering above the ground. It used to be considered a prize photo if the photographed orb/s would show up on film with an inner substance and a spot (nucleus or brain) within

the substance. We are finding out now however, that some digital cameras will produce false orbs with these characteristics and they can no longer be counted as authentic. An impressive feature is when they are captured on film with a lingering trail. This trail indicates they were traveling at a fairly fast rate of speed at the time of the flash, which further indicates it's authenticity. Some experts say that 85% of photographed orbs are created inadvertently by circumstances and weather conditions at the time of the flash. We at Ghoststudy believe this number is a bit high but probably close to being factual. Orbs have also been seen on video hovering in the same position for short periods of time but most often are caught traveling erratically through the air in a rather care free pattern.

3.Shadow ghosts, dark entities

Appearance & Characteristics:
These ghosts usually appear as a shadow of sorts. They look a bit like Ecto-mist but with form and are normally reported to be two feet in length or longer and tend to travel at a height of two to ten feet. In photographs it's easy to confuse them with natural shadows so be careful. They are usually sneaky and evasive. When they are spotted it's usually out of the corner of your eye or as they are darting through a wall. They are often spotted in a mirror as well.

To be continued...


duminică, 22 mai 2011

Death of a Ghost Hunter

Villisca Ax Murder House

Villisca (wich means "pleasant view") is a isolated place in Iowa,USA , with no big towns around.
Once, this was a booming town of more than 2,500 residents.The streets were once full of flourishing businesses, but that was in early 1900's. It was a very peacefull community until June 10, 1912 , when the police found eight bloody corpses in a house. It was the J.B. Moore family , a respected family of the community and two overnight guests. Even now after 99 years , the crimes remain unsolved. The police found only an axe that was stained in blood so
they've put a $3,500 reward but the criminal was never found.

In 1994 , the Linn's bought the house and renovated it at the state it was in 1912
,when the murder took place, using old photographs.

Ever since the Moore house was opened to overnight visitors several years ago, ghost enthusiasts, curiosity-seekers and diehard paranormal investigators have come here in droves, all seeking the strange, the unusual and the haunted.
Some have stayed here alone, like the Des Moines disk jockey who awoke in the night to the sounds of children’s voices when no children were present.
Others have come in groups and have gone away with mysterious audio, video and photographic evidence that suggests something supernatural lurks within these walls.
Tours have been cut short by falling lamps, moving objects, banging sounds and a child’s laughter, while psychics who have come here have claimed to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

The place is still open today for paranormal investigators or curios people who would want to spend a night in that place.

22 May 2011

It's 22 May 2011 and,as I predicted, nothing happened.Camping predicted a big earthquake as it has never been before that will cross the world and will distroy everything.From the fact that I'm still writing this, this has to be the scam of the century!
Some people even sold everything they had and now I am sure that they heavily regret this.
Harold Camping is nowhere to be found, his radio Family Radio, is transmiting contionus christian music and prayers that are recorded and have no link with the Apocalypse but there are no interventions by Harold as it were before. They're official website http://www.familyradio.com/ is down.

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011

Bobby Mackey's Music World

Bobby Mackey's Music World is the most hunted nightclub in USA.It is owned by country singer Bobby Mackey and located on 44 Licking Pike in Wilder,Kentucky.
Many believe that at Bobby Mackey's Music World there is a gateway to hell caused by the dark past of the building. It is said that long time ago, groups of satanic worshipers used that place to comunicate with Satan and sacrifice animals or humans.
There were a lot of TV Shows that presented Bobby Mackey's Music World huntings like National Geographic Channel's series Is it real?,Discovery Channel's series A Haunting or Travel Channel's series Ghost adventures.The Ghost Adventures crew were even hurt during the filming of that episode , Zack , one of the investigators got scratched on the back after provoking the demonic spirits that are supposed to hunt that place.
That place even had a possession case,Lawson's case, which was exorcized for six hours after being possessed on August 8,1991 , the tape of the exorcise being shown to the public.

Is Camping's prediction just a scam for publicity?

As you can see in this picture , Camping's ads appeared also on our blog!Also , many of his big adverts appeared in many cities even here in Timisoara , Romania my local city. I think that he is doing all of this just for publicity... He first said that the end of time will come at 6 PM time zone by time zone ( 6 PM on every time zone ) but here we are (e.g:Romania,Australia,China,Japan,Hungary,etc) it's 10 PM ( GMT +2 ) and I am still posting on this blog.

"But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

It's 21 May 2011 , 8 PM

It's 8 PM here in Romania and the end failed to come. The American priest got it wrong again? Or is it 6 PM US Hour?

vineri, 20 mai 2011

21 May 2011 - Start of the End?

On May 21, 2011 two events will occur. These events could not be more opposite in nature, the one more wonderful than can be imagined; the other more horrific than can be imagined.

A great earthquake will occur the Bible describes it as "such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." This earthquake will be so powerful it will throw open all graves. The remains of the all the believers who have ever lived will be instantly transformed into glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God.

On the other hand the bodies of all unsaved people will be thrown out upon the ground to be shamed.

The inhabitants who survive this terrible earthquake will exist in a world of horror and chaos beyond description. Each day people will die until October 21, 2011 when God will completely destroy this earth and its surviving inhabitants.

This is the prediction of Harold Camping , a christian American priest , who believes the world will end tomorrow , 21 May 2011 , as he said , the Judgement day has come. Do you believe this or not?

joi, 19 mai 2011


EVP's(Electronic Voice Phenomenon) are voices of spirits recorded on digital taperecorders or other sound recording equipment.
Interest in EVP apparently began in the 1920s when an interviewer from Scientific American asked Thomas Edison about the possibility of contacting the dead. Many people that claimed that they captured EVP on thei're recorders are not EVP's at all. About 80% of EVP's are nothing but natural sounds captured on tape like radio , animal sounds , or even they're own sound!

Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures is an American TV Show that premiered on October 17 , 2008 on Travel Channel. The Ghost Adventures crew is formed by : Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, and Aaron Goodwin. I just recently found out about this show and I love it. It it about these 3 guys that go to different places that are supposed to be haunted and they are locked down for one night in wich they investigate the paranormal activity of that place.
Best Moments: