duminică, 22 mai 2011

22 May 2011

It's 22 May 2011 and,as I predicted, nothing happened.Camping predicted a big earthquake as it has never been before that will cross the world and will distroy everything.From the fact that I'm still writing this, this has to be the scam of the century!
Some people even sold everything they had and now I am sure that they heavily regret this.
Harold Camping is nowhere to be found, his radio Family Radio, is transmiting contionus christian music and prayers that are recorded and have no link with the Apocalypse but there are no interventions by Harold as it were before. They're official website http://www.familyradio.com/ is down.

Un comentariu:

  1. Mah copil atomic , ia lasa-te de jucat cu putulica in lucruri pe care nu le intelegi , mai bine ti-ai gasi o modalitate mai usoara de a scoate bani decat cu un blog scris din auzite ...
