duminică, 22 mai 2011

Villisca Ax Murder House

Villisca (wich means "pleasant view") is a isolated place in Iowa,USA , with no big towns around.
Once, this was a booming town of more than 2,500 residents.The streets were once full of flourishing businesses, but that was in early 1900's. It was a very peacefull community until June 10, 1912 , when the police found eight bloody corpses in a house. It was the J.B. Moore family , a respected family of the community and two overnight guests. Even now after 99 years , the crimes remain unsolved. The police found only an axe that was stained in blood so
they've put a $3,500 reward but the criminal was never found.

In 1994 , the Linn's bought the house and renovated it at the state it was in 1912
,when the murder took place, using old photographs.

Ever since the Moore house was opened to overnight visitors several years ago, ghost enthusiasts, curiosity-seekers and diehard paranormal investigators have come here in droves, all seeking the strange, the unusual and the haunted.
Some have stayed here alone, like the Des Moines disk jockey who awoke in the night to the sounds of children’s voices when no children were present.
Others have come in groups and have gone away with mysterious audio, video and photographic evidence that suggests something supernatural lurks within these walls.
Tours have been cut short by falling lamps, moving objects, banging sounds and a child’s laughter, while psychics who have come here have claimed to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

The place is still open today for paranormal investigators or curios people who would want to spend a night in that place.

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